Book an early fall escape to stay between Sept. 1-18 and receive 20% off your booking with code EARLYFALL.

Discover the Enjoyment of a Hotel Getaway

Life can get overwhelmingly busy sometimes. Work deadlines pile up, family obligations call, and responsibilities make it hard to catch your breath. When you’ve spent too long powering through daily demands without a chance to relax, a getaway at a nice hotel may be just what you need. Booking a mini-vacation at a comfortable hotel lets you take a step back, so you can de-stress and regain balance.

Indulge Yourself with Pampering

One of the best parts of a hotel getaway is getting to slow down and indulge a little. Sleep in without an alarm buzzing at you. Order room service breakfast and enjoy it out on your private balcony. Schedule a soothing massage or facial at the on-site spa. Sip fruity cocktails by the pool while lounging in a cushioned chaise. Put on the plush hotel robe and binge-watch movies you’ve been meaning to see. When you remove the pressure to rush around checking things off your to-do list, there’s suddenly time for relaxing and treating yourself.

Discover a New Destination

An additional benefit of booking a hotel getaway is choosing somewhere you’ve never visited before. Do some research to find a hotel located downtown in an intriguing city you’ve been curious about. Spend your days wandering the streets, chatting up locals, poking through art galleries and boutiques, and tasting your way through famous food spots. Gaining fresh experiences in brand-new environments gives you renewed energy and outlook. Stepping far outside your daily bubble, even if only briefly, brings enjoyment by opening your eyes wider to how large and amazing the world is.

Reset Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Finally, an underrated aspect of a hotel retreat is the chance to reset mentally, physically, and spiritually. Turn off push notifications, set your out-of-office reply on, and inform your family you are unreachable for a set period of time. Without the pressure of responding instantly to emails, texts, calls, or other external requests, your mind gets to rest. According to a recent OnePoll survey, two-thirds of respondents feel that they need a vacation once they feel burnt out from their daily lives. A hotel getaway gifts you the ability to hit reset, so you can return renewed.

When responsibilities and demands start clouding your ability to enjoy each day, recognize you deserve a break. Booking a getaway at a comfortable hotel offers you the chance to slow down and be good to yourself. Visit us at Water Street Inn to book a reservation for an upcoming trip.

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